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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Laura + Adam (Albury Wedding) at Orange Grove Gardens

Laura and Adam, fresh faced and in love. A lot of couples ask me when I put them in front of the camera what do you need us to do?  the answer is just 'be' chances are on your wedding day its going to be simply this.  Pure, simple and true. Being.  This beautiful Albury wedding in all its Autumn loveliness was held at Orange Grove Gardens just out of Culcairn, NSW. Thank you Laura and Adam for asking me along to capture. Hope you enjoy x

Wake up to the sound of your fleeting heart. Wake up to the sound of your fleeting heart
When you go, what you leave is a work of art. On my chest, on my heart
                                                                                                                                 The Paper Kites

Albury Wedding Photographer
at Orange Grove Gardens