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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Dwayne and Tasha

This week I head off on a very big adventure. I am nervous and excited all at once and to say I'm a bit distracted is an understatement.  I am travelling for the first time to the Big Apple, NYC to see the sights and soak up one of the greatest cities in the world.

So picture me, trying to not look like a tourist,  I know I'm heading for a fail there, but I will be sitting on a rooftop overlooking Manhattan on a balmy summers evening channeling my inner Alicia Keys.. and I will think of you fondly Wagga Wagga.. hot summers, flies, dusty boots and beers.. and the Downside Hall. A long way from the Empire State Building..or Brooklyn. This is what I will think of on that rooftop:

Dwayne and Tasha. It was back in March that I had the pleasure of meeting you guys, and can I say it was a pretty awesome experience, can it get any better? I loved how you loved each other like no-one was watching, not only that, but this was such a typically awesome Aussie good time. Nothing more to be said. Let your hair down and let us be so proud to call this country home. Meanwhilst this wedding also fits into the category of 'Country Hall Weddings I love' and 'Girls with boots' x hope you enjoy


Wagga Wagga Wedding Photographer 
The International Hotel Wagga Wagga
Mt Erin Chapel Wagga Wagga