I was so lucky to share a very special day recently not far from home in the little town of Coolamon NSW for the wedding of Stace and Mino.
* note, thats not his real name, but it would seem noone answered to Michael or knew who you were talking to.
hmmmm, what I want to say about this couple is hard to express, its a bit gooey, but the couple who can't keep their eyes off each other, the total madness of love, lets just say if I could sing, and sing soulfully this would be my song choice.. Nothings real but the love (I'll just hum it)
Two madly in love people, some special little flower girls, a glowing matron of honor with the cutest of cute baby bumps, together with all their friends and family, laughter and love, made the story of Mino and Staceys wedding day.
x enjoy (and nothing can beat the love)