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Sunday, September 16, 2012

slow down.. you move too fast

I gallavanted recently from airport to wedding to commercial shoot, strategically allocating some personal time in  for that 'work life balance' thingy.. I love it, crazily busy and meeting so many amazing people and loving my job. My diary is overflowing; and strategically colour coded so I am super sorted and feel very organised.  Somedays I go too fast. There (ode to my gorgeous Yoga teacher..) I said it. I admit I am having a hundred ideas all at once most days, and so some days its good to slow down. I mean, I do have my greatest ideas when I'm 'not thinking'. Like lightbulb moments at 3.45am when I'm meant to be sleeping, or when I'm helping do  a jigsaw puzzle.

So after another full on week that included a South Yarra wedding to DIE FOR a retro styled E-session, (I'm excited will share soon!) portraits, commercial work, and being a mother .. and being a wife yada yada. It was nice to spend a weekend at home in the sunshine. I am taking a  leaf (a petal) and a Chillax from Miss E, who spent some quality time tree climbing and daisy chain making, blissful see?

I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep, life I love you all is GROOVY. tap your feet clicked HERE

Wagga Wagga Wedding Photographer