No tears and trauma's this year (that is from me!!) , just everyone keen to get back into the swing of it.
I will of course miss the school holidays, the great ideas and fun things we could do ..YES, lets build a teepee and have a Cowboys and Indians party, go yabbying (again), make a cake, colour in, play barbies (LOVE that one!), or clean our rooms. Ok that last one was my suggestion that really didn't get a gong unless I did it myself and started to discover little treasures that were long forgotten like the missing lego piece and the saved lolly wrappers and my favourite the long deceased apple cores...hmmmm
I will definately be missing Master 8 , or as he is known in my kitchen every morning 'Barista Wills' who does a mean cappacino. I think its a gagget thing, he likes the whistles and buttons and he even cleans the machine when he is finished.. and always puckers up for a big smooch when I am oh so impressed with his finished product. Bless you Willsy x
lets see if day two of school is this blissful. Oh the serenity.