When I go out to shoot a wedding I am not happy unless I can truly tell the story, I want it to be like you are reading it in a
magazine and seeing the pictures and feeling what it was like...a National Geographic of weddings. Oh, I know I do go on... This next wedding is the story of Laura and Bryan, in a little town called
Coolamon NSW. I have not many words to say about this, but I LOVED every minute, from the girly giggles and the oohing and aghhing over all the cool retro styling to the insanely hilarious pre wedding 'touch match' courtesy of the boys, the pink cadallac #forrealz , the shaking like a polaroid picture and the super rocking
Coolamon Up to Date Store, like only a small town can. Laura and Bryan, I conduct thee into the Peppermint Studios Hall of Fame (of couples we love) hope you enjoy x featuring make up by
my gal Ali and some super cute people.

Wagga Wagga Wedding and Portrait Photographer
Coolamon Up to Date Store
Coolamon NSW