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Friday, February 17, 2012

oh you make me smile..

you make me smile like a ..da da da.. sing like a flea.. I clearly know all the words to the song. But the point I am trying to make is HAPPY is the word de jour.  Finally after a few months of procrastination, followed by false starts, followed by humming and ha ha ing, my new website is finally here.
Its not the website of my dreams, its only little, its just a start. But I am happy to get it done as it was getting me distracted from all the things I love.  Yes, Claudia Miss 6 I can come and watch Play School with you, and the cricket pitch in the paddock is beckoning even though everyone knows Mum can't bat..and she can't bowl!

A special thanks to a few people. Mr 'I should never wear bike pants in public' Le Troth for help setting up the domain, Ms Stacey Taylor from Stacey Taylor Photography for sharing the love and taking my egaaaaddddd ' I am not 21 years old' photo for my profile (see under the about me tab), Ms Christine Pobke of  http://pobkephotography.com/ .. the global guru of all things styled pretty for the inspiration AND for her passion, time and energy.  To my honeybees.. you know who you are, thank you your support has meant so much. To Harris Studios,  I am very grateful to have had such a wonderful opportunity. And lastly but not leastly.. to Angus, Eliza, Will and Claude. My peeps x

So follow this LINK  and let me know what you think?

...and smile

Wagga Wagga Wedding Photographer

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

girl time

Getting the most of the beautiful summer evenings with some quality girl time.
I love that our  girly picnic included toenail polish, high heels, tea cups with saucers (the good ones thankyou!) and a lot of 'Mum - Daughter - Aunty -Sister- Niece love'. Time escaped me on this little shoot, as we chased that beautiful sunset.
Special thanks to Miss M, who is the most patient and loveliest of little 10 year old..  'Miss Dolly Cover girl' to be..thank you x

Wagga Wagga Wedding Photographer

Monday, February 13, 2012

pumped up kicks..

I love that owning your own photography business means setting your own goals and making all the big decisions.  Some decisons are bigger than others, like this mornings decision that included on the 'to do' list 'Sync Ipod'..  It is important that I have a good workflow and I am at my best for a big day at work. I find I am best in the morning, very motivated and getting the job done, albeit with a very nice strong cup of coffee.
Lately I have been obsessed about my new website, I want it to be so pretty just like Feather and Stone.. or maybe pearly and sweet like reverie, It has become my latest obsession so I have spent way too many hours hooked up online checking stuff out, drinking coffees and not getting out of the house.  Don't even start me on Pininterest!
Hence .. back to my story. Ipod sorted, mid afternoon run is exactly what I need to re motivate and get me going again..so here I am back on track and pumped up.
This post is for the party rockers (Brandon I see you Shufflin') enjoy x

Wagga Wagga Wedding Photographer