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Sunday, June 3, 2012

little sister

I'm a little sister. I always wanted to be the big sister, I wanted to be the one who could lick the bowl first. I wanted to be so cool I owned my very own cassette player, I wanted a pair of brand new desert boots.
I wanted to the blonde one in AbbA.  But alas always the less- awesomest one, always with the hand me downs, always littlest.
Looking back on my poor second best childhood, and yes, I know we 'second borns' may play the victim fiddle a bit, but now that we are grown up, we know that it was a just a  'little sister' survival tool.

Memories of dobbing on my sister aside, seriously I was happy to have the barbie doll clothes she didn't want, we laugh about it now.

My big sister was everything I wanted to be. That little shadow.

So Little Sisters.. this post is for all the big sisters  (and the in between sisters.. I don't have any knowledge of them??)  or the soul sisters, you know who you are?.. you shaped us and lets face it , you really  don't have anyone in the world like your sister.

And on that note, here is a recent shoot featuring one great fun 'little sister' Lisa and her beautiful big sis Jacinta, thanks for the fun fun time girls and enjoy x
PS brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr someone pass me a nice bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup@I love winter

Wagga Wagga Wedding + Portrait Photographer